Who We Are
We are a not-for-profit organization providing a place of interaction of men who are involved in business, from employees and managers to owners and CEOs.
Our Mission
Our aim is to inspire you to keep Christ in the center of your work and as quoted from St. Francis of Assisi, "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words". If we apply this to our attitudes and actions on the job we will have the opportunity to impact others for Christ in a powerful way.
Members of the Board
It's our desire to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ. We strive to share useful teachings and resources and therefore welcome your feedback/comments for improvement. Please feel free to contact us at (210) 896-2364 or ChristianMenofBusiness@gmail.com
Jason Blevins

Greg Chandler

Charlie Crocker

Phil Flournoy

Jerry Godwin

Roger Hall

Ben Hickman

Bob Medinger

"We are here to serve you."